IceWarp vs Workspace: Going Local or Staying Corporate?

Anyone who’s ever been to a farmers’ market knows “locally-grown” beats “made in a factory” any day of the week. Who wants individually-packaged strawberries covered in plastic when you can have fruit as fresh as the morning, not to mention the good feeling of actually knowing where the goods came from? This is the relationship between IceWarp and Google Workspace.

A Growing Trend for a Reason

In this scenario, IceWarp is like your friendly, green-thumbed neighbor from the countryside who you see every weekend at the farmers’ market. And you won’t be the only one there. Just in the US alone, nearly 55% of Americans shop at a local store every month. This is a positive trend that sees mom-and-pop shops, local growers, and community retailers finally getting the upper hand on corporate conglomerates. Everyone wants to buy from someone with the same values as their own, so let’s take a look at four of the main reasons why.

#1: Cost

The price. During times of ever-rising inflation, the price of groceries has never mattered more. And the same can be said when subscribing to a business communication tool. If your company is currently using Google Workspace, then you’d pay an average of 3x less by switching to IceWarp!

That’s a 75% lower TCO. And just like Workspace, IceWarp offers a number of subscription options, except this time you actually mix and match exactly what you want and only pay for what you need. When visiting the IceWarp farmers’ market, you’re not forced to buy in bulk, only to throw half of what you bought away. Instead, simply take your basket and pick out the fresh “groceries” for your specific business case, even on a month-to-month basis. (Still unsure? Check out this price comparison!)

#2: Features

Obviously, price is important. But you might find yourself wondering, “Am I only saving more because the tools offer less or are of a lower quality?” Today, that’s a safe assumption to make, but just like going to your local market, you know there are both plenty of things on offer here and, if anything, the quality is much higher!

The same goes for IceWarp’s business tool solution. It literally comes with everything you’re already used to:

  • Business-grade email with full features (anti-spam, folders, your domain)
  • Unlimited conferencing – audio and video calls for up to 1000 people
  • TeamChat with direct email connection (unlike Workspace, this feature comes standard with even the cheapest subscription)
  • Office-compatible Documents for collaborative editing

If you already have Google Workspace, then these features will sound relatively familiar. But, once again, IceWarp has one giant advantage over the competition: its all-in-one browser design. Your days of jumping from Gmail to Google Docs to Meet and back to Gmail are over. Now every person in your company can edit a document, record a conference call (also not offered by Workspace), and discuss this afternoon’s lunch plans all from the very same in-browser dashboard.

#3: Deploy, Manage, Maintain

Now, if things are starting to feel just a bit “too good to be true”, then buckle up, because this farmers’ market is only going to get better! IceWarp not only offers all the features you’ve grown to love, and at a cheaper price, but it’s also easier to deploy, manage, and maintain.

IceWarp is easier to deploy because its cloud deployment only takes 10 minutes, we handle all data backups and retain your requestable information for 30 days (not available with Google Workspace), and your employees don’t require any expert knowledge other than simply knowing how to open a browser.

It’s easier to manage because we inform you of every incoming update, install the update on your behalf, and provide the connection to AD/LDAP for easier user provisioning.

And IceWarp is easier to maintain because of its all-in-one experience, zero hassle with updates or client apps, and its multi-platform applicability.

#4: Locally Made For You

But possibly the greatest difference between IceWarp and Workspace is the accessibility, customer care, and overall feeling that your business isn’t just another drop in the Google ocean, just another company overpaying for services they could easily find elsewhere by shopping “locally”

IceWarp is comparable to a farmers’ market because of its relatively smaller size. This allows IceWarp to provide an improved, individual customer support experience, ensure your data migration goes off without a hitch, and keep you in the loop for every update. Whether you need to link up your system to IceWarp, adjust your internal processes, or install a new SSL certificate, our specialist teams are here for you every step of the way.

Visit the IceWarp Farmers’ Market Today

It’s never too late to take the local approach. As was already mentioned, this trend is only getting more popular by the day, and for good reason. Now’s the time to replace your old, expensive Workplace subscription with a locally-run, locally-cared-for business communication tool that actually makes your work easier, not the other way around.

So, mosey on down to your local farmers’ market, pick out a custom, freshly-grown IceWarp subscription, and see for yourself just how positive of a change it can be. At this rate, you’ll never want to go to the supermarket ever again!

Tired of Paying Too Much for Too Little? Then Simply Replace Google Workspace with IceWarp!

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