Deep Castle Gen 2

The first two Gens of Deep Castle are already out. Gen 1 made an intro into remote work and team collaboration through collaborative editing of documents and beta version of online conferencing.
Gens 2 brings interface facelifts for improving user experience and a set of team collaboration features for effective team work. Let’s take a look at the most stunning news.
IceWarp Dashboard
The Dashboard is IceWarp’s new opening screen and your gateway to the entire collaboration ecosystem. Start your day by logging into the Dashboard at or from IceWarp’s website and navigate comfortably across all the components. Dashboard will also show you what’s new. All users can ask for help right from the Dashboard, admins will even find thier request forms filled out with information about their license.
Online Conferences
Ready for prime time straight out of beta, Conferences come loaded with powerful features to make your team meetings a smooth operation. Conferences run in the browser without installing anything. Set up a conference call in advance. Name it, invite attendees and secure it with a password, if you wish. Invitees will automatically receive an email with call details and a link to join. Conferences are available for all IceWarp users and non-IceWarp users join for free.
TeamChat collaboration tips
New features in TeamChat are now making your collaboration even easier. TeamChat stream in Documents enables you to discuss document edits without losing focus. You can also make sure that everybody sees your update in a TeamChat room by simply mentioning @All members.
Brand new Desktop Client
Desktop Client got a new modern design to promote enjoyable work and was improved by handy gadgets. There is a redesigned right sidebar which a part from chat newly provides a quick shortcuts to calendar, agenda and contacts. You can instantly capture thoughts or jot down ideas with new Notes feature. Avoid missing important emails with Watch for reply or save time searching for frequently used items with Favourites.
Coming later this year
We are working on High security mode with end-to-end encryption and recording in Conferences. Integrations with third party services will be possible thanks to WebFlow. And Video emails will change email communication.